Thursday, July 7, 2011

Long time, no see!

Wow!! Time sure flies! It has been just over a month since my last post... craziness! Instead of recapping everything that I have done, my training hours for the last few weeks are as follows:

Week of June 1: 13 Hours 30 minutes
Week June 8: 16 hours 20 minutes
Week of June 15: 18 hours 25 minutes
Week on June 22: 18 hours 15 minutes

This week's hours are sure to be in the 20 hour range because I am in a build phase. I started to run track and swim with my competitive swim club again. Here's to trying to stay injury free! :)

I have also cracked down on my diet. I am down to 155 lbs. I hope to be 150ish for my race in August. Reading Apolo Ohno's book 'Zero Regrets- Greater Than Yesterday' was very inspiring. I realized if I want all of my hard work in training to pay off, I also have to work hard at controlling what I put into my body so it can train harder and recover faster. :)

Next Friday I leave for France so my training will switch over to mostly cycling with some running for two weeks. I am hoping to bring some food along so I don't have to eat a lot of croissants! :D

Phil 4:13

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What goes up must eventually go down!! (Including the #s on the scale!)

Today I weighed in at 156.2. :) the pounds are slowly coming off but I didn't reach my goal of 153 by June 1. My new goal is 150 by July 1, which would be an average weight loss of 1.5 lbs per week in June. I know I can do this! :)

Update- To be continued tomorrow...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

One Step at a Time...

After another week of hard training, the scale has been reluctant to budge. This morning I weighed in at 157.2 pounds. I am hoping to lose another 4 pounds by the end of the month (Since May 9th I am down 3.4 pounds). I think I will be able to do this because I am amping up my training and making smarter food choices. This weekend I am headed to a triathlon camp with my dad's group for the May long weekend and I will be able to get some miles under my belt. What is keeping me going is the quote, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with one small step." This reminds me that every decision, even small ones, will affect my progress and results later down the road. Ohhhhh... yesterday I got new Asics! Thanks to my supporter- Gord's Running Store!!!

Swim- 45 minutes,
4x (400m!, 100m!)
Cycle- 40 minutes
Run- 20 minutes

Row- 20 minutes
*So short because I flipped the boat! It was my first time in a single skull! And the water was freezing!
Cycle- 50 minutes
Interval set
Run- 35 minutes

Row- 2 hours
*In a quad. So much fun!!!!
Run 20 minutes- Drills and strides
Swim- 30 minutes easy
Run- 90 minutes!
*My longest run yet since my injury

Cycle- 40 minutes
Ladder- Intervals and strength work
Run- 15 minutes easy
*Very sore today from rowing yesterday!
*** According to my training log, this week I trained 16.5 hours

Row- 1 hour 10 minute
In the single skull again... didn't flip! Yay! =)
Run- 45 minutes
Drill work and Long intervals
Swim- 55 minutes
Ladder, short & fast intervals, short rest

Row- 20 minutes
*I graduated from the 'chubby' single (less likely to and moved to a skinnier boat... What can I say... I flipped it!
Run- 55 minutes
Main set: 7 x Memorial stairs

Row- 90 minutes
* Yay! I am getting it! I didn't flip the super skinny boat! =)
Cycle- 1 hour
*Dad and I rode our bikes to the pool
Swim- 1 hour
Main set: 15x200m

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Slow and Steady...

Well, the last week has flown by and I have been training hard. I have started to keep a nutrition log in addition to my training log and that is helping me be conscious of what I put in my mouth. I am learning to eat to train and not train to eat. Today I weighed in at 158.0 lbs.

Swim- 1 hour
Row- 90 minutes

Row- 90 minutes
Run- 1 hour 15 minutes *This is the longest that I have run since my injury! =)

Cycle- 1 hour *Hard workout!!

Row- 75 minutes
Swim- 1 hour * Had a great swim! =)

Row- 90 minutes
Run- 1 hour... 8x400m * Very sore, held 1:30's with 90 sec rest.

Wednesday: 158.0 lbs
Row- 90 minutes
Swim- 1 hour

Thursday, May 5, 2011

One Step at a Time...

Well, the first few days have been great training wise. I have got in a lot of miles and have done a lot of tough workouts. I am slowly losing weight but I have a feeling that tomorrow morning I may go up a bit because I had a fair bit of salt tonight.

Here is what my week has looked like:

Monday: 160.6 lbs
1 hour of rowing- including 6km erg test
Tuesday: 159.6 lbs
Swim 1 hour, Bike 1 hour 20 min
Wednesday: 159.0 lbs
Run 1 hour- km repeats, Rowed 1 hour 30 minutes- including 2km erg test
Thursday: 158.0 lbs
Swim 50 minutes, Bike 45 minutes, Run 10 minutes

I am realizing that I need to make small changes because sometimes I feel overwhelmed. I am also trying to keep myself busy because I find it is when I am alone that I make poor food choices.

My goal is to be 152.0 pounds by the end of May. I hope I can do it! =)

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Start of Something Wonderful!

Today I begin my journey to fit from flab. I have a lot of goals and dreams for the upcoming months and getting in shape will help me be more confident in my abilities. Every week I will log in with my daily weigh in, and weekly stats.

Starting Statistics:
Weight: 160.6 lbs
Body Fat: 28.1%
Skeletal Muscle: 32.2%
BMI: 24.0
Basal Metabolic Rate: 1523 cal/day
Visceral Level: 4

My goals for June 30th are the following:
Weight: 148.0 lbs (-12.6 lbs, and average of 1.57 lbs/week)
Body Fat: 24.0% (-4.1%)
Skeletal Muscle: 35.0% (+2.8%)
BMI: 22.0 (-2, based on decreased in weight)
Basal Metabolic Rate: 1450 cal/day (-73 cal/day due to decreased fat and increased muscle)
Visceral Level: 3 (-1 level)